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Daily Bafflements

• In the mystical valleys of startup kingdom, V.C. firms are on the hunt for unicorns (startups with a valuation of a $1 billion or higher, even if those valuations are based on wild speculation). But as many have suspected, the unicorn whisperers are not necessarily the firms with the highest returns.

Slate offers a “Gentrification Calculator” to help readers avoid the pesky moral and political questions of modern urban life. Just enter your income, your zip code, and whether or not you have a family. No need to worry about the nuances of race, education, or class background—your neighborhood is just a seesaw balanced on the city’s median income.

• In yesterday’s Forbes interview, you can lap up oil-pipeline billionaire Richard Kinder’s recommended reading list. We feel completely confident taking our cues on Lincoln biographies and leadership styles from a man whose company was wise enough to suggest last year that the oil spills they cause could have positive effects on the affected regions.