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Daily Bafflements

Freedom Tower
Freedom Tower

That’s one tall tower, bro. /Jennifer

• Ukranian women are apparently Lysistrata-ing Russian men. • Over at Harper’s, Andrew Cockburn’s review of Bob Ivry’s new book, a “guide for tracking down the live villains and unburied bodies of the 2008 crash.” Cockburn writes: “In a vague sort of way, most people are aware that Wall Street crashed the economy and rode out of town scot-free, collecting unimaginably huge bonuses along the way. But vagueness breeds passivity.” Ivry’s book seeks to change that. • Hey, sad, bored, broke freelancers, don’t despair. Salon says Mark Twain was once just like you. • Need a little inspiration this morning? Here is a totally thrilling (but also sort of queasy-making) video shot from the helmet of a guy jumping off of the Freedom Tower and parachuting down to the street below in the middle of the night.