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Daily Bafflements

•  “The City of New York approved a proposal by one of the largest real estate developers in the city to build in a ‘poor door’, or a separate door for residents living in affordable housing to enter their building,” writes the Daily Mail from New York Post reports. “Extell’s proposal allows them to force affordable housing tenants to walk through an entrance located in a back alley behind the building to enter, leaving the more prominent front entrance for tenants paying for nicer apartments.” 

• Great Ideas in Finance Headline of the Day, from Dealbook: “Cash Crops With Dividends: Financiers Transforming Strawberries Into Securities.” 

• Economists at the University of British Columbia have published a study mapping the unhappiest cities in America. Of cities larger than 1 million people, the unhappiest are, in descending order: New York, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Milwaukee, Detroit, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Las Vegas, Buffalo, and Philadelphia.

• Apparently kids now are so sedentary that doctors are seeing kids with conditions like “pre-diabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamin D deficiency, joint pain, arthritis and hip problems,” traditionally seen in adults, at alarming rates. Doctors in one Massachusetts program are “prescribing” play time outside. That’s great, but we would also prescribe a subscription to The Baffler (and we’ve been doing so for decades; please see 1:20 of this Veruca Salt video from 1994).